Rômulo - Words


A fauna e a espuma

A fauna e a espuma is an experimental novel mixing fables, essays, autofiction and theoryfiction to tell a simple story about the death of a father. Influenced by fictionists like Piglia and Carson but also by philosophers like Sloterdijk and Durand, the book divides itself into two parts, each composed by short and varied narratives that tangle upon specific themes. In the first half, "the clear part", this theme is the sky. Its chapters explore transformations in celestial cosmologies, the reflections of a comedian on the clouds of his childhood, studies on the nature of dreams, conversations between World War II aviators, descriptions of post-apocalyptic atmospheres and speculative debates between medieval theologians, to tie together themes like memory, epiphany, and the expectation of paradise. In the second half, "the obscure part", the main theme is the concept of fall. Its chapters, now more circumscribed to the conditions of the character-author, deal with the fall of Adam, the phenomenology of the hands, the disease of a dog, suicide letters and first communions, to articulate paternal death to broader sets of meaning: language, time, crying, entropy, salvation.

"A true exemplar of a new generation of thinkers that moves smoothly between boundaries." - Reza Negarestani, philosopher and author of Cyclonopedia and Intelligence & Spirit

"His writing is characterized by an impressively broad scholarship." - David Grubbs, writer and musician-founder of bands Gastr del Sol, Squirrel Bait and Bastro

"Before all else, the lucidity of the imagination that in these intense story-essays symbolizes the world in the shape of a drop. The grandiose tradition of Borges and Calvino follows us in this fantasy metaphysics." - Eduarda Neves, curator and director of Escola Superior Artística do Porto

Fiction. 128pp.
Publisher: 7letras
Language: Portuguese
ISBN-13: 978-65-59056-74-3

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